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7/6/2009 Deadline for paper submission is prolonged to 7/31/2009
6/23/2009 New deadline for paper submission: 6/30/2009

5/6/2009 Paper submission started



2/3/2009 36th Symopis registration started


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  • Mladenovic Nenad, Brunel, London, MI Belgrade. Chair
  • Andrejic Marko, VS
  • Batanovic Vladan, IMP, Belgrade
  • Backovic Marko, EF, Belgrade
  • Borovic Sinisa, NIS, Novi Sad
  • Cvetkovic Dragos, ETF, Belgrade
  • Cvijanovic Janko, EI, Belgrade
  • Cangalovic Mirjana, FON, Belgrade
  • Ciirovic Goran, VGGS, Belgrade
  • Dugosija Djordje, MTF, Belgrade,
  • Djordjevic Branislav, GF, Belgrade
  • Guberinic Slobodan, IMP, Belgrade
  • Kovac Mitar, VS
  • Kocovic Jelena, EF, Belgrade
  • Krcevinac Slobodan, FON, Belgrade
  • Kovacevic-Vujcic Vera, FON, Belgrade
  • Letic Dusko, TF, Zrenjanin
  • Kutlaca Djuro, IMP, Belgrade
  • Matejic Vlastimir, ICN, Belgrade
  • Martic Milan, FON, Belgrade
  • Mesaros Katalin, EF, Subotica
  • Mihaljevic Miodrag,MI, Belgrade
  • Milovanovic Gradimir, ELF, Nis
  • Mladenovic Zorica, EF, Belgrade
  • Mucibabic Spasoje, VS
  • Nikolic Ilija, FPB, Belgrade
  • Ognjanovic Zoran, MI, Belgrade
  • Opricovic Serafim, GF, Belgrade
  • Pap Endre, PMF, Novi Sad
  • Petrovic Radivoj, IMP, Belgrade
  • Petrovic Slavica, EF, Kragujevac
  • Radenkovic Bozidar, FON, Belgrade
  • Radojevic Dragan, IMP, Belgrade
  • Rakic Milan, IMP, Belgrade
  • Stanic Stanko, EF, Banja Luka
  • Stanojevic Milorad, SF, Belgrade
  • Stanojevic Radoslav, EI, Belgrade
  • Starcevic Dusan, FON, Belgrade
  • Suknovic Milija, FON, Belgrade
  • Tanaskovic Toma, RGF, Belgrade
  • Teodorovic Dusan, SF, Belgrade
  • Todorovic Jovan, MF, Belgrade
  • Vidovic Milorad, SF, Belgrade
  • Vujic Slobodan, RGF, Belgrade
  • Vujosevic Mirko, FON, Belgrade
  • Vukadinovic Katarina, SF, Belgrade
  • Vuleta Jovo, EF, Belgrade
  • Zecevic Tomislav. EF. Belgrade
Last Updated ( Saturday, 15 August 2009 )
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